“Rose is sent to earth by the gardeners of paradise for empowering the mind and the eye of the spirit.”
Imagine living in a time when rose petals were used to cover floors, baths were filled with rose petals, and roses were scattered at feasts…
Roses have been cultivated and appreciated since ancient times, but some of them can still be found growing in the wild.
They are climbing or bushy woody perennials with thorny stems and attractive, sweetly scented flowers of various colors. Rose oil contains more than 300 compounds and is one of the most complex natural substances on Earth.
Where does Rose Essential Oil come from?
Fossil evidence suggests that the rose is 35 million years old.
Some historical evidence shows that rose oil is originated from Greece.
Rose oil is the essential oil extracted from the petals of Rosa species especially R. damascena called “the damask rose,” found primarily in Bulgaria and the Middle East; and R. centifolia, also known as the “hundred leaved rose,” found in Morocco, Egypt and France. Currently, the main producing countries of this essential oil are Bulgaria, Turkey, and Morocco.
From Petal to Essence…
The bushes blossom once a year, from late May to late June.
Handpicking rose flowers is hard work. The skill is to pick only the flower with very little stem and no leaves, while avoiding getting stuck with thorns.
It’s slow going as it takes 30 handpicked flowers, or about 2,000 petals, to yield 1 drop of rose essential oil.
If we remember these numbers as we inhale the precious scent, we will naturally feel a sense of Gratitude toward all those who have labored hard to bring us such a treasure.
Women start to gather the rose flowers in the very early morning before the sun rises, and they complete the harvest before the midday sun has started to evaporate the volatile constituents, reducing the aromatic quality.
The flowers are delivered to the distillery and are distilled on the same day (Petersen D., A Rose By Any Other Name, 2014).
Roses are a life-giving source of nutrients and healing
Rose oil is one of the most diverse and gentle oils with affinity to the skin (anti-inflammatory, regenerative, astringent and antimicrobial), musculoskeletal system (pain and spasms), reproductive system (PMS, balancing) and the mind (calming, anti-depressant, exhaustion, aphrodisiac).
Let's look deeper into the benefits of Rose oil for skin
Research has shown that plants produce anthrocyanins to protect them from sun damage and that this protection can be passed on when ingested or applied.
It's anthrocyanins not only protect the cells from UV and other free radical damage but also the breakdown of elastin.
In the epidermis, keratinocytes bear most responsibility for maintaining structure and homeostasis.
Keratinocytes provide a physical barrier to our bodies and control skin features such as moisturization, wrinkles and pigmentation.
Rose absolute oil can enhance keratinocyte differentiation and can be used to strengthen skin texture (Kim JH., et al., Research Gate).
Again the anthrocyanins also with nicotinamide improve circulation and prevent capillary damage which is very helpful for broken capillaries and redness.
The tannins act as astringents, which help reduce redness on the skin dues to dilated vessels.
The polyphenols, anthrocyanins and carotenoids as well as quercetin reduce inflammation and calm irritated skin as well as promoting cell regeneration.
This makes rose useful in all types of inflammatory skin conditions such as radiation burns where research has shown rose when applied topically in a cream to reduce inflammation and tissue damage.
It has been reported that the main rose oil and its components (citronellol, geraniol and nerol) have strong antimicrobial activity against some bacteria.
Flavonoids, as key components of the antioxidant system, belong to the polyphenolic compounds which have a wide range of functions in plant systems such as acting as chemical messengers and defense factors against UV-B radiation (Marmol I., Pub Med).
We will also look at the emotional impact rose oil has on us as it is so important to combine the two when nurturing the skin.
Harmonization of mind and heart are by far rose's greatest effect.
Soothes and cools nervous tension and feelings of stress, stabilizes mood swings, and allows for easier coping.
Rose simultaneously relaxes and uplifts, making it an important ally to address both hyperactive mental states and the emotional heaviness of sadness, insomnia, panic attacks and emotional trauma.
Studies of rose’s chemical compositions and their effects confirm that the flower’s scent calms anxiety and may alleviate headaches.
It was found that rose essential oil was able to decrease: blood pressure, breathing rate, blood oxygen saturation, pulse rate and skin temperature (Mohebitabar S., et al., Pub Med).
According to Ayurvedic medicine, the rose is a tridoshic flower; it’s beneficial for everyone all year round.
The Ayurvedic texts explain that rose oil especially balances sadhaka pitta (which regulates emotions and the functions of the heart and mind).
Sadhaka Pitta can go out of balance more easily in summer, when the hot, humid weather increases all aspects of Pitta dosha, the mind-body operator that governs heat, digestion, and metabolism in the body (Chauhan P., The Aura of Ayurveda, 2008).
If you're a rose lover, this list should serve you well…
The best properties of the rose — cooling, moisturizing, and soothing — are concentrated in the Face Food, Repair Face Serum, Zensual Bath Oil, Zensual Body Butter & Zensual Shampoo Bar.
Nurture your inner nature naturally
Gratitude Love & Respect🌹 heART Out & Skin in🌿