Large companies toting plastic containers with essential oils.
Is so hurtful & Delusional:
Cosmically & Scientifically plastic & essential oils “no” & the talk of the great the teams!!!
I see sales outing Mother Earth they are sheep talking such shit yet in the light of hope: shit fertilizes the future so let us pray they wake up to Life Wholistically over continually being a people pleaser.
Pure Natural Wholistic Companies Intelligently know this The Ones creating these multilevel schemes keep the ignorance alive, not really caring about your self care over their selfish need for money & numbly saying what you need to hear…
Beauty brands have to take responsibility for what they create. We all need to take action and say no to plastic. No doubt about it: skin care products must come in plastic free packaging.
A range of chemicals that are used in the manufacture of plastics are known to be toxic. Plastics also contain many toxic additives, such as flame retardants, metals, anti-microbials, non-stick coatings, and more.
During the manufacturing of plastics a complex cocktail of substances is added or formed, the majority of which are unknown to us.
The fantasy that plastics are an inexpensive material is just that – a fantasy that fails to acknowledge the tremendous costs we all pay, says Ruthann Rudel.
The researchers behind the study analyzed 34 everyday plastic products made of eight types of plastic to see how common toxicity might be.
Seventy-four percent of the products they tested were toxic in some way. The team was hoping to be able “to tell people which plastic types to use and which not [to use],” says Martin Wagner, Ph.D.
“But it was more complicated than that.” Instead of pointing to a few problematic types of plastic that should be avoided, the testing instead revealed that issues of toxicity were widespread—and could be found in nearly any type of plastic.
The results help illustrate just how little we know about the wide variety of chemicals in commonly used plastics, says Wagner (Consumer Reports).
If we do not know the chemicals we are dealing with, we cannot determine their safety for humans and the environment.
Phthalates and Bisphenol A (BPA) are long-standing man-made chemicals (used for more than 100 years) produced worldwide in more than 1 million tonnes each year.
Phthalates and BPA have received considerable attention because of the various facets of their proven toxicity and because of their ubiquitous presence in the environment and in humans.
Phthalates are known to toxicologists as male reproductive toxicants (harmful substances). But this group of chemicals is also known to have ill effects in females.
Adult women had higher exposure than men, likely because some phthalates are also found in many cosmetics as well as personal care products such as soaps, shampoo, and body washes.
Phthalates are weak endocrine disruptors and androgen blocking chemicals. This means that when absorbed into the body phthalates can either mimic or block female hormones, or in males, suppress the hormones involved in male sexual development. Phthalates cross the placenta too.
As a result of the ubiquitous use of phthalates in personal-care and consumer products, human exposure is widespread. Phthalates are readily absorbed into the human body and are converted quickly to their respective metabolites.
Up to date, only individual chemicals such as bisphenol A, which is harmful to human health, have been extensively studied. BPA has gotten a lot of attention in recent years because studies have shown it has reproductive and other health effects.
The use of BPA was banned as an ingredient in cosmetic formulations back in 2006, but it is used as a coating material in a number of packaging materials, including plastic bottles.
Are you safe if you use plastics that are free of problematic chemicals such as phthalates and BPA?
A 2011 study published in Environmental Health Perspectives reported that when scientists tested commercially available plastic products labeled as BPA-free, almost all of them leached out chemicals known to have estrogenic activity, meaning that they mimicked human estrogen. Some of the chemicals had even more estrogenic activity than the BPA they replaced (Health Harvard).
Approximately eight million metric tons of plastics enter the oceans annually, and conservative estimates suggest 5.25 trillion plastic particles currently circulate in ocean surface (Springer Link).
Plastic can take from 500 to 1000 years to start degrading, that means all the plastic ever made still hasn’t even started to degrade.
Discarded plastic materials enter the marine environment as trash, industrial discharge, or litter through inland waterways, wastewater outflows, and transport by winds or tides waters.
An area of particular concern is the abundance of small plastic fragments or microplastics. Fragments as small as 1.6 µm have been identified in some marine habitats, and it seems likely there will be even smaller pieces below current levels of detection.
Personal care products are an important contributor of secondary microplastics (typically referred to as ‘microbeads’).

Over 260 species, including invertebrates, turtles, fish, seabirds and mammals, have been reported to ingest or become entangled in plastic debris, resulting in impaired movement and feeding, reduced reproductive output, lacerations, ulcers and death.
A wide range of species with different modes of feeding are known to ingest plastics. However, ingestion is likely to be particularly problematic for species that specifically select plastic items because they mistake them for their food.
In addition to the physical problems associated with plastic debris, there has been much speculation that, if ingested, plastic has the potential to transfer toxic substances to the food chain.
In the marine environment, plastic debris such as pellets, fragments and microplastics have been shown to contain organic contaminants. Some of these compounds are added to plastics during manufacture while others adsorb to plastic debris from the environment. Work in Japan has shown that plastics can accumulate and concentrate persistent organic pollutants that have arisen in the environment from other sources (Pub Med).
Companies cannot continue hiding behind waste-management solutions like recycling, when none of that will be enough unless they also dramatically reduce plastic use by using alternatives to single-use plastics, says Jacqueline Savitz.
Find alternatives to plastic products whenever possible.
Choose truly "no-waste" packaging (packaging options that can be recycled include biodegradable paper or cardboard, glass bottles and jars)
Consider the life cycle of your purchases and stop purchasing single-use plastic items
Choose products in reusable or recyclable packaging and take advantage of refill schemes and recycling initiatives.
Take time to read the labels to avoid dangerous microplastic particles (Commercial Waste)
Purchase directly from the brand. Small brands have a lot more control over monitoring how their products are packaged and shipped and will be more passionate about integrating recycled and plastic-free packaging into their business models (The Good Trade).
Now we understand better why plastic is awful for the environment and humans.
Nurture with Nature made the decision to use only glass packaging and natural, eco-friendly lokta paper for soaps and bath fizzies packaging.
Our products contain pure essential oils and plant oils that are best preserved and safe in a glass bottle. Glass is made from natural materials and is therefore 100% recyclable.
Beauty brands have to take responsibility for what they create. The health risks of the plastic pollution crisis have been ignored for far too long, and must be at the forefront of all decisions on plastics moving forward.
Please keep your self care routine plastic free
Be Kind to Yourself & Earth - She is All Our Mother🌿